The South has long been famous for its Southern Hospitality. Hotels through-out Dixie vie with one another to make each visitor feel like a cherished family member instead of a paying customer. You want to see more than your hotel. You want to immerse yourself in the flood of history that has engulfed the spot you visit. This book will guide you to many of the lesser-known places with interesting stories and restaurants with the best food and atmosphere. Perhaps you seek a Colonial ambiance in Virginia or a touch of Civil War drama in Georgia or Alabama. Or you may want to relive the brash frontier past of Texas, Kentucky, or Tennessee. Do you wish to experience the Creole flavor of Louisiana or Mississippi’s rural heritage? In Florida, much of its history has been influenced by its tropical and subtropical climate. Some states in this book, like North and South Carolina have a culture so diverse you can expect to find a different experience depending on which part you visit. These hotels all do have one thing in common. These are the Hosts With Ghosts!