Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
The Burning Rider: a childish legend or a merciless supernatural executioner? For over three centuries, no one has entered the village of Lydchurch at night and survived. There have been over six hundred reports of the apparition, and untold numbers of deaths and disappearances. Modern-day investors don’t want to believe the old legend. They want to quickly prove that the apparition doesn't exist and start developing the land... When a small team investigates the abandoned village at night, their task begins with grisly discoveries and evolves into nightmarish horror. Soon the survivors are trying desperately to escape the molten wrath of the Burning Rider... The Burning Rider is the eighth in the series of Short Horror Tales - quick reads written to captivate the reader with thrills, chills and unexpected twists. Here are some reviews from this author’s horror releases: “...thoroughly spooky, enticing and well written from start to finish.” “...great... I could feel the fear...” (Glancing Blow – Short Horror Tales #1) “Great short story...” (Ignition Source – Short Horror Tales #4) “...well-written, descriptive and enthralling page-turner, that’s not for the faint-hearted... The twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat...” (God Of War) “...extremely well written and very dark. The author did a great job of creating a palpable sense of doom that surrounds the main character from the beginning, and then creating more tension and horror as the story went on...” (Into The Hole)
Series: Ray Hammett Thrillers
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure
Series: Ray Hammett Thrillers
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Thriller, Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Thriller, Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: Short Horror Tales
Thriller, Supernatural Suspense, Science Fiction, Horror
Series: The Earth Bleeds
Supernatural Suspense, Horror