“Bargains are the holy grail of the true stock picker. We see the latest correction, not as a disaster, but as an opportunity to acquire more shares at low prices. This is how great fortunes are made over time. ” —Peter Lynch In this standalone investment guide in the Invest Like A Pro series, author James Pattersenn again draws on thousands of hours of stock investing research and decades of stock trading experience to teach you investment and trading strategies to help you make money with stocks. Pattersenn built and manages two personal stock portfolios that have earned well over 100% returns and beaten the S&P 500 by large margins. In this guide, Pattersenn reveals powerful trading strategies not covered in his investment guide titled You Can Invest Like A Stock Market Pro. In a refreshing change from most stock investment books, investors learn exactly how to apply approaches used by the best stock investors in the world, like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch to consistently build wealth over decades of investing. In Now That You Can Invest Like A Pro, you will learn time-tested trading and investing strategies that actually work and will work for you. In this powerful stock investing guide, you will learn: How to think and invest like a stock market proHow to buy stocks like a business ownerThe right way to build a stock’s position within your stock portfolio for maximum profitsHow to know when you are speculating and when you are investingHow to apply Philip Fisher’s Three-Year Rule to your investment or retirement portfolioHow to use the Discount Cash Flow Method for stock valuationWhat to do about poor short-term performance of stocks in your portfolioThe importance of using limit orders to buy and sell stocksHow to reduce risk and make money using William O’Neil’s 3 to 1 Profit and Loss StrategyHow to consistently beat the stock market over the long-termAnd much, much more! Are you ready to get started creating real wealth in the stock market? Join the thousands of smart investors who have gained financial independence using the simple yet powerful strategies revealed in this guide. Page Up and Order Now.