The Guardian: The Punishers Book Two


Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy

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Book Description

The Punishers are at it again in The Guardian, the second book in the series. The past can always come back to haunt you. After defeating the demon and casting him back into the abyss, Steve Cassidy and Ellie Taggart, the Tigress, expect a break, but evil never rests. Knud, a dark-elf and an immortal, has escaped from his prison in Niflheim, intent on exacting his revenge against all of those who sent him there, including Steve. To make matters worse, Knud has teamed up with both supernatural and human criminals—a Voodoo priest and magician with an axe to grind against the city’s preternatural population, and the leader of a street gang who sees this as his chance to take over the city. The lives of ten females and one male hang in the balance. With the help of a Vodun priestess, the head of the city’s Wicca coven, a selkie, mermaids, shapeshifters, and vampires, Steve, Ellie, Mike, and Chelsea, the Punishers, have five days to find the missing yacht and rescue those aboard. Because if they don’t do so by October 31st, all hell will break loose.

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