This anthology is a collection of the work of various poets from all over the world. By reading these diverse works, we hope that people will become more understanding, compassionate, and empathetic towards all people. Additionally, we hope that this poetry makes the deepest kind of personal impression upon its readers.Those whose works appear in this anthology have decided to publish their poetic works under a title published by PoetrySoup and Arczis Web Technologies, Inc. Special permission has been obtained for each copyrighted poem in this volume, and the right to publish has been explicitly given to the publisher of this anthology by the respective poets. While most of the poems within have been submitted by the poet, the editors of this publication have chosen which poems to include. Over 1600 poems were submitted, but only around 600 were chosen for inclusion.In this anthology, which is the first one produced by, we have followed an arrangement that represents some of the more popular poems on the website. Instead of an arbitrary selection by PoetrySoup’s editors, each poet member has been permitted to represent himself by the work he considers his best, with few stipulations. PoetrySoup editors then decided what should be printed and what omitted, but, as a general rule, the poets have been allowed absolute freedom in their choice of inclusion.
Series: Dark Drabbles
Fantasy, Horror
Series: Penumbra
Fantasy, General Nonfiction
Series: Scary Snippets
Thriller, Fantasy, Horror
Series: Scary Snippets
Thriller, Supernatural Suspense, Horror
Series: The Nevermore Parables Series
Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
Series: The Nevermore Parables Series
Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Teen & Young Adult
Series: The Nevermore Parables Series
Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy, Horror, Teen & Young Adult
Series: The Silver Springs Christian University Series
Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Christian Fiction
Series: The Silver Springs Christian University Series
Historical Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Christian Fiction
Series: The Silver Springs Christian University Series
Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Christian Fiction
Series: The Silver Springs Christian University Series
Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Christian Fiction
Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction
Paranormal Romance, Romance, Fantasy