In The Arms of Danger


Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Romance, Women's Fiction

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Book Description

Taylor Marshal and her daughter need protecting, yet the bodyguard assigned is the one man she fears the most. Four years earlier, Taylor gave her heart to a stranger – and married him in a quick Bermuda ceremony. A week later her hopes were crushed when she finds out her new husband, Cory Ross, was a hit man. When she witnesses him take another man’s life then watches her new found love fall from a cliff after being shot, her heart shatters. Now she sees Cory Ross is alive – and back in her life as her own personal bodyguard, yet how can she trust him? Cory thought his luck had changed after his near death experience in the Bahamas. But when he looks into the eyes of the woman who he suspects had something to do with his accident, he realizes his new assignment to protect Taylor and her young daughter will be a literal nightmare. But to fall in love all over again with Taylor Marshall will be sheer torture. **** “Taylor, this is Agent Cory Ross.” “Mr. Mitchell.” Cory held up a hand. “Please don’t call me Agent. I no longer work for the FBI.” Her father nodded. “That’s right, I’m sorry. Stephen talks about you like you’re still with the Bureau.” She cocked her head and glanced up at her father. “Stephen? As in Uncle Stephen?” “Yes, dear. Mr. Ross used to be your uncle’s partner several years ago. That’s how I found out about his skills.” He patted her shoulder. “When Stephen discovered I’d been having problems with threatening letters and calls and feared for the safety of my family, your uncle suggested his former partner, Cory Ross.” She stared at the ghost from her past. This can’t be. Why is this happening to me? Crap! She couldn’t demand her father release him now. Not when Uncle Stephen—her favorite uncle—recommended him. It would devastate her to see the hurt in his eyes. She scrunched her forehead. If Cory had been an FBI agent, then could she have misjudged him that terrible night? Could she have been wrong in assuming he was the bad guy? No. He was the bad guy. Didn’t Uncle Stephen tell her how often cops and agents switched sides? The stories he’d told her had kept her awake at night in a cold shiver. “I’m...” She paused, gritting her teeth. “I’m happy to meet you, Mr. Ross.” Maybe if she pretended their past relationship hadn’t meant anything to her, he’d treat her differently. Cory’s angry face relaxed slightly and a corner of his mouth tugged upward, but it wasn’t a full grin. He stretched his hand toward her. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the niece of my best friend. Your uncle has said some wonderful things about you.” She chewed on the inside of her cheek. Looked as if he was playing the same game—pretend you’ve never seen this person before in your life. That’s good. She could play this game to the hilt. Although Uncle Stephen may have talked about her, Cory still wouldn’t have known her true identity back then. She’d given him a fake last name and hadn’t told him the truth about her life. Back then she’d regretted not being honest. Now she was thankful for the lie. Without really wanting to, she slipped her hand into his and shook it. The moment skin touched skin, a tremor vibrated through her and familiar warmth ignited her blood. This is not good! Quickly, she pulled her hand away. She’d have to find a way to stop her reaction to his touch. She vowed here and now she could not fall for him again. She opened her mouth to mumble her reply, but the window Cory had just walked away from shattered. Before she had time to react, Cory whipped his arm around her and yanked her down on the floor, covering her with his body. Shouts echoed through the room as Zack and her father took cover. Zack yelped and swore. Her father cussed worse than a drunken sailor would have spouted. “Stay down.” Cory’s voice rang out over the others. With trembling hands she covered her ears. Her heart jumped to her throat and lodged there.

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