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I've hidden you in plain sight In every poem, I've ever written The afterglow As darkness dims my soul That leads me back to you April 2007 It all started with a sudden mental breakdown. I wrote my first poem with countless typos and errors. I kept it unchanged, I never edited it and never will! As a reminder of how naïve I was. 23rd Jan 2021 For the past seven years, I've been posting Micropoems on Twitter, the small number of characters that Twitter allows forced me to stay focused on delivering the complete imagery in Micropoetry style. So I think I mastered the art of freestyle Micropoetry! Then suddenly I thought to myself I have a whole lot of Micropoems that could be wrapped up in a complete book! After two weeks of editing and plenty of copy/paste and more editing! Finally, my book is published with a unique title! that it could appear in the featured books right on top of the first page if you searched Micropoetry on Amazon's search engine. Which I believe was planned well, an Inspiration from heaven, or Just a lucky dice. Kindle and KU are available now. I believe I serve an audience who have the passion for the written word of poetry. I also think that my first book, which is being remastered right now, is directed to people with mental difficulties. Trying to raise awareness of drug abuse, and possible mental illnesses that could arise by drugs -Psychosis in particular- and the side effects of medications we -mentally compromised people- have to force into our systems, just to look normal. I long for you Singing river songs In the middle of the drought ladies and gentlemen I present to you (Manuscript Of Micropoetry).

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