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For thousands of years, the secrets of the powers of the Dark and the Light have remained hidden. The power of the scepter and the shield guard those that possess them. However, the secrets of Darkness and Light were recorded into two books and hidden away with powerful immortal guards to protect them. On the surface, all seemed at peace in the present kingdom of Archomai (ar'-khom-ahee), until the great witch Farmakia accidentally opened a portal into the spirit world and was accosted by an overpowering voice, "Who dares to intrude into my blackness?" She had awoken the dread dark warlock, Aphthartos. By doing so, she set in motion things that would bring the kingdom near to its death. The books must be found; however, finding them may be the easy part. Retrieving them may cost one his life, even many lives. Nevertheless, within their pages are the secrets of the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. The present dark forces seek the dark book to unleash the full forces of the Dark World. The current forces of Light will seek the book of Light to find the keys to unlock the secrets to break the curse over the kingdom of Archomai and unleash the power to drive the Dark World back. Our band of heroes must struggle against the armies of Draytalon. At the same time, unravel the mysteries that lay before them. A simple, cowardly, and timid Muse-man may hold the key to the power of Light. The blue-eyed, blond-haired beauty by the name of Selene handles a sword like a master, and her fighting ability is next to none. She and Bordare find the witch creating a Muwt army. She, too, knows more, but will she share her information? Into this mix comes the hero from our world, Jeremiah, a young man who desires to be free. He becomes a true warrior in the kingdom of Archomai. He brings with him a humble spirit that wins overall he comes in contact with. His willingness to sacrifice himself to save others begins to create a legend that he will live up to time and time again. The great witch, Farmakia, has teamed up with Lord Poneros of Draytalon to conquer by force the kingdom of Archomai. They do not trust each other; even so, they serve the dreaded Lord of the Dark World who is chained within his castle Blackleir and cast into another time. Only the witch has the power to make contact with him and the imprisoned Aphthartos, the Dark Warlock. The witch and Lord Poneros have at their disposal many hideous and deadly vicious creatures to accomplish their desires. War comes to the land of the fairies and to the land of the dwarves. The aged king of Archomai must send his armies out to defend the loyal sub-kingdoms. Will all the sub-kingdom fight? Even so, who will lead his army? His arrogant son, the prince?

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