Miss Nude Canada's Shoes (And Other Fiascos) - A Memoir (Act I * Greenhorn)

Series: Miss Nude Canada's Shoes (And Other Fiascos)


Biographies & Memoirs

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Book Description

Sooner or later, everyone comes face to face with a fiasco—even the innocent, angelic types like Miss Nude Canada circa 1986. Generally speaking, fiascos, which thankfully come in many different forms, are events where the caca hits the fan; there's failure, breakdown or catastrophe of some sort and everything just slithers off of the rails in a sickening, sideways fashion. Human idiocy, in all of its glorious manifestations, is often the fiasco's prime catalyst with ego-squashing humiliation its necessary outcome. Fiasco-prone humans with an above-average surplus of caca-splattered fan-blades in their closets have many (sordid) tales to tell. Mr. Pearson, the floor is all yours.... In the classroom, on stage, in a canal, in a strip club. In a helicopter, on a bicycle, with Scientologists, in a courtroom. Across Canada, Down Under, in California and Mexico and beyond. And the question then begs to be asked: is life just one, long, continuous chain of calamitous fiascos?? (Answer inside).

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