Talon, Flight for Life

Series: Talon


Teen & Young Adult

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Book Description

Here, the action moves off theplateau - giving the reader new settings in which to enjoy the story. Thesetting is part of what really adds to the charm - set in Peru, it far from theaverage setting. And Matica and Talon continue to be characters that are funand engaging. The characters are far from static and with each story, they growand evolve as they face new challenges and overcome them together. They go through a rain-forest whereMatica meets and learns about tapirs, macaws, toucans, fig trees, orchids, treefrogs, bromeliads, and spiders. In her own remarkable way, Gigi hasbrought more biblical wisdom and morals in her story to show others howaccidents and danger can be a learning lesson and to have faith when there isno hope. Another great book in the series.This one has a surprising plot and the main characters do well, facingstruggles and reaching into the depths of their inner being. The author hasshown, throughout all books, to be a very thoughtful and intelligent personwith a fresh look on life and an optimistic view of the future.

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