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Book Description

As Marianne Turner tends to her garden in a suburb of San Antonio, Texas, she doesn’t notice the planes and the feathery white mist they leave behind, until her dog, Mo, collapses--the first of many more heartbreaks ahead. After her computer-savvy daughter, Carley, relocates to work her very first job as a software developer, empty-nester Marianne Turner consoles herself by planting a new garden. The house will feel empty with both her son and daughter gone, but at least Kyle and his husband, Bobby, lived nearby. With the latest pandemic outbreak over, Marianne will be able to see them regularly again—that is, if her husband, Jim, doesn’t interfere. When the mist comes and her dog, Mo, dies, along with countless other neighborhood pets, Marianne begins to believe her daughter’s crazy theories, especially when people start getting sick again. Jim, a doctor, assures her it isn’t yet another new Covid strain. While he continues to live in denial, Marianne pays attention to Carley’s cryptic messages urging them to leave Texas. Carley warns that a global plot is afoot, something called Operation Black Mariah, and Texans have been slated to die. All over the world, from small rural towns to big cities, from Alaska to South Africa, something is happening. Though events differ from place to place, all point to the same chilling outcome: the implementation of a New World Order by the global elite. Their goal—to centralize the world’s power and wealth into their own hands, and to control humanity. But first they need to cull the human population to sustainable levels, and their plans have begun. Wave One of Operation Black Mariah has begun. Welcome to the world of Marie D. Jones Presents Black Mariah, a harrowing near-future ripped from today’s headlines that dares to look at what might come next. This is a world of conspiracies and cover-ups, of lies and deception, of chaos and confusion, and of small groups of people who realize the only way to survive is to harness the power of the human spirit. To defy and persist. In the wake of the quest for survival, a revolution called “Defiance” is born. This is a stand-alone story in the Black Mariah Shared World, a collaborative effort by authors from all across the globe whose characters react and respond to the same events, but in their own unique ways. Each story takes the reader on a journey of one of these characters, allowing for multiple perspectives to unfold. The only thing these characters have in common is that they survived Wave One. But will they survive what’s to come? Immerse yourself in the world of “Black Mariah” and stay up to date on news and announcements at www.BlackMariahSeries.com.

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Eva Pohler, Black Mariah Collective Book List