Londra is the story of Merve, a young girl from a Turkish smalltown, whose innocent encounters with revivalist Turkey ruled by regressive men leaves her in great trouble. At a young age, she becomes convinced that moving to Londra (London) can only fulfill her dream of opening a restaurant. A chance crossing the threshold of a makeshift mosque in small village forces her to escape to London, where she dreams of getting her university education and opening a restaurant. Merve's despairing view of London is put to the test when she meets a challenges one after another. In this odyssey of self-discovery, Merve has to choose between a city -- or risking everything to find her own "true self" and the possibility of pure love.Londra is the story of Merve, a young girl from a Turkish smalltown, whose innocent encounters with revivalist Turkey ruled by regressive men leaves her in great trouble. At a young age, she becomes convinced that moving to Londra (London) can only fulfill her dream of opening a restaurant. A chance crossing the threshold of a makeshift mosque in a small village forces her to escape to London, where she dreams of getting her university education and opening a restaurant. Merve's despairing view of London is put to the test when she meets challenges one after another. In this odyssey of self-discovery, Merve has to choose between a city -- or risking everything to find her own "true self" and the possibility of pure love.