Are you are a colleague trying to understand your multi-generational co-workers? A front line manager trying to get your youngest workers to show up to work? A Gen Y looking for ways to maximize your success? This book gets to the heart of the generational differences issue, with minimal psychobabble and statistical navel gazing, giving you concrete information about the different generations with a focus on work ethic and the motivations and values of Generation Y! "Jeanne Martinson's research and insights are invaluable to contemporary leaders navigating the challenges of managing across the generations. Whether you are an individual who is adjusting to having a boss younger than you, or you are a senior manager negotiating leadership across several generations, this book is practical and instructive. Through the use of research analysis, common sense, and practical wisdom, Jeanne provides us with a roadmap for successfully navigating the difficult and challenging terrain of inter-generational leadership. This book is a "must read" for leaders looking to understand how to work creatively with different generations." Kathleen Thompson, PhD, MSW, RSW, BA (Hons) “If you have ever complained about the ‘young kids’ in your workplace and their lack of a ‘work ethic’, I highly recommend Jeanne Martinson’s new book. It’s a simple and easy read that clearly explains why these ‘young kids’ are the way they are and why it is such a big deal for those of us who are simply young at heart. With the very specific instructions, Jeanne’s book will become your everyday reference on how to manage a diverse workforce.” Carolyn Schur, Author of “Working ‘Round the Clock” Jeanne Martinson is a best-selling Canadian author on the topics of diversity and leadership. She holds a diploma in Organizational Behaviour from Heriot Watt University (UK) as well as a graduate degree in Leadership from Royal Roads University in BC, Canada.