“The sky is the limit to what you can be, Unless you’re a squirrel who lives in a tree! Chasers are boys that chase other sprinters. Hunters are girls that hunt nuts for winter. (One check box for boys and one check box for girls. Placed into boxes, before they’re born squirrels.) But Shiners are squirrels who, once they find bling, Will not chase another nor go A-cor-ning. If you were a squirrel, would you fit your box? Or would you stay outside & dance in your socks?” Ron Roecker’s “The Shiny Shenanigans of The Aunties & Squirrel” is a story about gender role stereotypes, biases and expectations wrapped in an engaging, entertaining, surprising and relatable family adventure for kids of all ages. Book 4 in his wildly popular “6 of 1/ Half Doz of the Other Rhyming Adventure Series” features a loving, multi-generational, extended family and Roecker’s signature sing/song writing style, plot twists and endearing characters. With a life-threatening acorn shortage, The Aunties and Squirrel are faced with a huge dilemma: change who they are for the greater good or be banned from the village forever. The clever Aunties and Nephew realize they have been preparing for their crucial roles their entire lives. However, with secrets to reveal, insights to share, mysteries to solve and hidden treasures yet to be discovered, will The Three be able to uncover the most priceless lesson of all? “Ron Roecker has created an incredible and relatable story that empowers children to see gender roles and each person as unique, talented and having the ability to speak up for what they believe in. I loved the story line and rhyming which I could see using in sessions as a therapist. Ron's book inspires youth to discover who they are while teaching them empathy, self-love and confidence!” -- Dr. Regine Muradian, Children’s Author, Child and Family Psychologist