Are you afraid you are not doing recovery right, even with more than two years of sobriety?Has complacency set in and you have no idea what’s next on your sober journey? Is there no joy and excitement possible in recovery?In reality, recovery has only just begun. In this book, Barry Lehman explores a part of recovery that has not often been discussed- how to keep the movement of sobriety alive and vital for the long-term. An experienced alcohol and drug abuse counselor for nearly thirty years, he outlines a path that builds on the major treatment models. With insight, questions, and suggestions, he develops an understanding of what can make the difference in building recovery beyond the first two years. The result will be a new freedom and a new happiness that can grow through the deliberate practice of long-term sobriety well beyond two years. Embracing the challenges AND joys of life in recovery, you can find balance and hope that leads to new skills for change and progress. There are ways that can help strengthen your daily living as a person in long-term recovery. When recovery becomes both a mindset and a lifestyle, it is not a chore. It is who we are.