For the dragons of Zorgonia, life will never be the same again after new encounters with more soldiers, mythical ape-like creatures and vicious flying beasts. Scythe, defeated in battle by the dragons, unicorns and archers of Zorgonia, is captured by Liam and Meredith. Against Liam’s better judgement, Meredith persuades him to release her, believing she will not be able to survive the terrible dangers that lurk in the forests of Oceania. But survive she does and not only that but driven by revenge against Liam who killed her lover Wilbur, in a fight, eventually returns to the village of Zizith, where the survivors of her previous attempt to invade Zorgonia have gathered. Together, they raise a new, larger and more formidable army to return to Zorgonia, overthrow the Kingdom and establish Scythe as Queen of Zorgonia. Nothing goes according to plan however and the army is detected and attacked by both Liam’s dragons and an unknown species of large, highly intelligent apelike creatures.