Nessumsar Family - Legend of the Crow

Series: Nessumsar Family - Legend of the Crow


Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult

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Book Description

After five generations of silence, the shapeshifter Elo Relhi of Norway seeks his unsuspecting descendants in the United States to bestow their rightful superhuman gifts. Not wanting to be controlled but the curse of his ancestors, teenager Rannug Relhi, encouraged by his father Elo’s rebellion, escaped the confines of his Norwegian family's influence to seek refuge in the United States. Five generations later, plagued by his decision, Elo Relhi uses his own superhuman power to find his youngest living progenitors and correct his wrongdoing. He bestows the unique gifts on Rannug’s seventeen great, great grandchildren, and once again, the blood of the Relhi ‘curse’ as he once called it, flowed through the veins of the Relhi family. Their gifts are to be used for good, but the constant pursuance of evil to gain control of their powers would be an ever-present threat. Elo soon realizes that the young superhumans aren’t ready to be left on their own. Feeling the gravity of his decision so many years ago, but knowing the sacrifice it will mean, he assumes the responsibility of as their guide, accepting that he will be forever stuck in their time.

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