CALEXIT: Secession



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Book Description

Did you like "The Shelter" series? Try this one.

NOTE: This is NOT a politically correct story.

Half the country was shocked with the results of the 2016 election. The left was so angry many took to the streets screaming "He's Not My President!" And "Resist." The President lost the popular vote almost completely due to the vote difference in California.

Many in California thought they were the center of American culture, they felt the rest of the country didn't respect them. Many decided they should follow the UK's example of leaving the EU by leaving the United States. The movement like most started with a small number, it quickly gained enough signatures to allow the question to be on the 2018 ballot.

Most thought California wouldn't risk another Civil War by seceding, they were wrong. The State's Governor quickly endorsed CALEXIT. His administration did everything in their power to ensure the ballot measure passed, which it did by a wide margin. As soon as the measure passed the Governor announced he wasn't waiting for Congress or the states to vote if they could leave, he announced he was leading the formation of a new nation, one he called The People's Republic of California.

This is book 1 of a new series that tells the story of what could happen if California seceded, what if their new nation was quickly recognized by other countries who offered military to support to California in exchange for basing rights. Book 1 begins the story, it introduces the major characters including an average family who lives in Yuba City, just outside of Beale Air Force base which becomes America's military base in the new Civil War.

California's secession could be the spark with ignites the third world war when the Chinese decide to assist the new Republic.

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