The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake

Series: The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey


Fantasy, Children's

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Book Description

Jimmy Crikey is the alien orphan who decided to make his home on Earth. His friends include the four witch guardians of Earth’s realms and ancient Lord Oron, The Weatherman. Flesh-eating, fire breathing serpents invade the home of the Aquamites from volcanic vents at the bottom of the lake. They are unaffected by the magic of the witches. Chief Witch Matilda asks Jimmy for his help. Jimmy and Elwinn, guardian of the realms of water, visit the Emerald Lake and devise a plan to net the serpents and drag them into the cold darkness of outer space, using Jimmy’s starship. Annison, the chief Aquamite’s daughter, is fatally injured when one of the serpents take a massive bite out of her lower tail. She will die from the loss of blood. The witches do not have the power to heal her. There is no time to take her to Jimmy’s home planet of Attalia for advanced surgery, All appears lost until the Weatherman reveals his true identity. Lord Oron is one of twelve Lords who serve the all-powerful Master. The Master could save Annison, but he refuses to bring a subject back to life from the dead. Can Lord Oron persuade the Master to intervene to save the life of the Aquamite?

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Wallace E Briggs, , Book List