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Book Description

This “Unique” book, Peace Begins with us: Poetic Verses on Peace, Love, and Humanity establishes the fact that peace isn’t far away but nearer than we think, thus it ignites the light that hovers around several areas in our daily lives, calling for the signature of peace to be appended for the advancement of humanity. The poetic devices also used to express Peace leave us with the scent of better times. This Anthology is a gem, a must-have that serves to enlighten in bridging the gap from heart to heart, as well as to bring out the best in us, by activating the power of good in us for the good of all. As a Global Peace Ambassador, I feel extremely honored to be a part of this wonderful project led by the Icon of Inspiration, a Champion for change, a Bestseller Author, a Role Model, and a gift to humanity – Trinidadian Brenda Mohammed, who has empowered both young and old across continents through literature. I recommend this book to leaders, parents, students, politicians, lightworkers, peace activists, educators, professionals, and general readers. From the Foreword - Lovelyn P. Eyo

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Brenda Mohammed, Florabelle Lutchman, Lovelyn Eyo Book List