Series: Mastering Poker Math (2 book series)
Advice & How To, General Nonfiction
Practical Poker Math Exercises from Mastering Poker Math, Volumes 1& 2 The Mastering Poker Math Workbook is an extensive study guide for intermediate to advanced players to help: Strengthen Your Knowledge of the Poker Math: Almost all of the exercises in this workbook are directly from the material in Mastering Poker Math, Volumes 1 and 2. Each of us absorbs information at different rates. That is the nature of unique human beings. For a select few individuals reading information once is enough to internalize it. Most of us need repeated exposure to gain deep knowledge and understanding of a subject. Doing exercises using the same material explored in depth within Mastering Poker Math, Volumes 1 & 2 helps speed up your absorption and internalization of this material. Note: There are a handful of exercises that are new (or modified) within this workbook. Any new or modified exercises are noted in the description of the exercise. Build a Deep-Rooted Confidence in Your Poker Math Abilities: When you know the hands-on poker math at a deep level and can access it anytime during a game, confidence in your skill as a player will increase significantly—sometimes dramatically. Knowledge and confidence in poker math will free up your mind to focus on the other players, their motivations, chip stack sizes, the phase of the tournament, bet sizing, betting tempo, and more. Much of the poker math is straightforward. You will be able to access it quickly and confidently. When the math is difficult, you will have the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence to go into the tank and determine it. Using the Mastering Poker Math Workbook as a Playbook (Focusing on Practical Applications) As with Mastering Poker Math, Volumes 1 and 2, this workbook is a learning tool. Please consider using it as both a study guide and playbook. You can earmark pages, highlight sections, underline important math notations, attach sticky notes, and review the material until you master the subject matter. Strive to internalize your newfound knowledge so you can automatically apply it to the game. Book Layout The Mastering Poker Math Workbook has six sections and sixteen chapters. They are: Section I: Fundamental Poker Knowledge Chapter 1 Basic Poker Terminology Chapter 2 Pot Odds and Implied Odds Chapter 3 The Core Math Section II: Key Probabilities Worth Remembering Chapter 4 Potential Starting Hand Probabilities Chapter 5 Critical Poker Math Probabilities Chapter 6 Bonus Probabilities Mastering Poker Math Shortcuts Section III: Situational Awareness Exercises Chapter 7 Decision Tree Analysis Exercises Chapter 8 Poker Equity and Expected Value Exercises Chapter 9 Range Analysis Exercises Chapter 10 The Art of Trapping Exercises Chapter 11 The Art of Disciplined Folding Exercises Chapter 12 The Power and Problems with the Big Blind Section IV: Assessments Chapter 13 Developing Higher-Level Skills Chapter 14 Plugging Your Leaks Section V: A Final Review and the Next Phase Chapter 15 A Final Review Chapter 16 The Next Phase Section VI: Answer Key Like Mastering Poker Math, Volumes 1 & 2, this workbook is primarily for tournament play, but many concepts can also be applied to cash games. It has been designed to be as down-to-earth and flexible as possible. You can go through chapter by chapter or cherry-pick the exercises, sections, and chapters that interest you most. The choice is yours!
Series: Mastering Poker Math (2 book series)
Advice & How To, General Nonfiction
Series: Mastering Poker Math (2 book series)
Advice & How To, General Nonfiction
Series: Mastering Poker Math (2 book series)
Advice & How To, General Nonfiction
Advice & How To, General Nonfiction