Spinning Time: a time travel adventure


Time Travel Romance, Fantasy

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Book Description

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Best Time Travel Book I've Ever Read!! Life was too perfect. Julia thought - the calm before the storm - and hated when she was right." I am a huge fan of D.F. Jones! This is the fourth book I have read by her and her books just keep getting better and better! If you haven't already, you guys need to go check out her Ditch Lane Diaries series! SUCH AN AWESOME SERIES! Jones is an awesome writer and I can't get enough of her writing and creativity. I can't even put into words how much I enjoyed this book! I am a big fan of romance but I have not read too many time travel books. I feel like you have to be a spectacular writer to pull of a book about time travel. The very few time travel books I have read in the past were really confusing. I could never tell the past from the present or the future! Spinning time was very well written and Jones did a fantastic job allowing her readers to understand what year the characters were in! This book flowed very nicely and there was never any confusion with the past, present, and future! "Julia knew the moment Phillip's lips connected with hers that he was different than the rest. Time seemed to suspend. The mingling of his soft lips brushing against hers made her heart flutter." Jones takes us into a world where Alien Time Travel exists! The Alien Time Travel and Research Agency is a very complex agency and each spinner/tracker has a very distinct set of rules to follow. One day, a young woman named Julia was swimming with her fiance, when she finds herself in a portal. Julia ends up going 70 years into the future. Something about Julia going through this portal disturbs the Alien Time Travel and Research Agency. Spinners and trackers all now have distinct rules revolving around Julia and her unborn son. But what happens when they meet Julia? Some of these trackers/spinners would rather help Julia! What happens when they no longer want to listen to their commander anymore? How does Julia feel being in the future? Will Julia ever get back to the right time zone? Will she ever see her fiance again? Jones creates such a beautiful, crazy world. Her words just jumped off the page creating vivid pictures on the walls of my room. I felt like I was there with Julia and all the other awesome characters throughout this book! Jones really has a way with words and I have no idea how she comes up with the stories and characters that she does! Her books are just so outstanding! I could read her stores all day, every day. Jones gives us some really great characters in Spinning Time! You will meet Julia and her family, Phillip, Monica, Charlie, Ruben, and Andy! I can promise you guys that you will fall in love with them just as I did! They really are a great group of characters and most are all very caring and would do anything to protect one another. I love a good book with a great set of characters! The characters are what allows the reader to put him or herself into the story and relate to it. I felt like I was part of the group fighting Monica and trying to get Julia back home! The last few pages of this book even had me crying! They were happy tears of course, but I was so connected to the characters that the end had me all emotional. Nothing about D.F. Jones' books are boring or slow! There is always something going on. Her books are fast paced and exciting! I really recommend her books to you guys! Add them to your TBR! Kaylin Beach, Amazon Reviewer

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