Freckled Venom: Copperhead


Action & Adventure, Historical Romance, Historical Fiction, Teen & Young Adult

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Book Description

Bounty hunting is a lonely trail especially for a girl...well, really a woman. What causes this cute as a button, freckled, striking copperhead to isolate herself from all human contact and turn to bounty hunting to survive? What secrets and demons keep her on the move riding a big grey mare as her only friend and companion? He'd never in his born days run into such a persnickety cuss as that freckled venom-packed copperhead, with lips locked up tighter than the Denver Mint and burnt coffee eyes. As fast with her fists as she was with her pistol, Rawley found he'd been on the receiving end of those fists much too often. The kid had survival skills that would put most men to shame. But he also knew she kept dark secrets hidden behind that masculine façade, what were they? Fate casts this bounty hunter back into the very town she ran away from nine years ago. And what happens when bullets, dust and words begin flying?

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