Series: The Rising Wind Series
Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction
Diane Olsen is an award-winning American writer who has garnished many awards for her Rising Wind novel series. She holds an MA in anthropology and currently lives in Washington State. This exciting series follows the adventures of Secora James, a paleontology professor as she digs into risky mysteries around the world regarding ancient religion, myths, legends, and even wildlife that are thought to be extinct. Secora is joined by her husband, Gideon Yellow Thunder, in their mysterious and often dodgy confrontations. Recently, Diane received a 5-Star Award from Readers’ Favorite and was reviewed by Vincent Dublado, who shares these thoughts.“Diane Olsen’s Rock My Soul, the multicultural adventure journey and features Secora and Gideon’s encounters with the many different beasts they meet along the way, most specifically a collection of Bigfoot sightings interviews... that were gleaned as they attempt to better understand this cryptid... do they conduct experiments by observing people to see if we are willing to play on their terms? There is a strong leaning toward an exploration of myths and folklore... You can tell that a diligent amount of research went into the writing of this book based on references that Olsen has provided. These lend strength to the theme of the story, making it mystical and mesmerizing. Rock My Soul reads like a documentary with a found-footage movie thrill in it. The first-person accounts and the brooding monster theme work well in Diane Olsen’s narrative. It feels like a slow-burn horror as you breathlessly await the outcome of Secora and Gideon’s investigations. This twisty book is definitely a must-read for anyone who is fascinated by cryptozoology.”
Series: The Rising Wind Series
Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Christian Fiction
Series: The Rising Wind Series
Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Literary Fiction, Christian Fiction
Series: The Rising Wind Series
Historical Mystery, Mystery, Action & Adventure
Series: The Rising Wind Series
Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction
Historical Mystery, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Romantic Suspense
Historical Mystery, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction