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Darcy returns to Hertfordshire to face his feelings for Elizabeth, stirring in Elizabeth confounding feelings of her own. Fitzwilliam Darcy faces a dilemma when his friend, Charles Bingley, accuses him of acting on his own behalf in leaving Hertfordshire. Bingley suggests Darcy is far more attracted to Miss Elizabeth Bennet than he cares to admit. Darcy grows concerned that if Bingley noticed his fascination with Elizabeth, others might have too. Even Elizabeth herself. He returns to Hertfordshire and faces his feelings for Elizabeth rather than stay away and continue to avoid them. Will the spark he feels for her ignite something far beyond the bounds of prudent behavior? As Darcy and Elizabeth spend more and more time together, she struggles to keep her feelings for him at bay. Can they resist the powerful attraction between them, or will they soon find what they've always longed for in each other?

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