Planet Earth has been destroyed. Torn apart by forces from beyond the thin veil of physical reality, its broken pieces litter the system, but humanity lives on. Scattered across space and the wild currents of the astral plane, new civilizations emerge across a million worlds. These are but a few of their stories. Shortly after the Alignment scatters mankind, Clover of the forestrunners continues her holy crusade at the behest of her gods. In the face of their schemes and betrayal however, she may be unable to protect the ones she cares for most. Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the galaxy, a young boy must solve a mystery of cosmic proportions, and warn his parents before their burgeoning colony is swept from the surface of a barren world. Elsewhere, an ancient king finds that he might not be qualified to rule modern subjects, but rises nonetheless when a sinister warlock threatens his people. Centuries later, return to Sol to see our home system a battlefield. A forgotten colony has risen to claim the planets for themselves, struggling for dominance against an immortal enemy at the edge of space. Venture to a dark city where monsters, sorcerers and demons roam among men, and a darker one yet where vamp1res enslave the living, and vicious lycanthropes stand as the sole protectors of humanity. Finally, in the far future, the lost kingdom of Atlantis has been reborn through the efforts of enlightened souls, but seeking wisdom may come at a terrible price. Ancient ruins on a dead world hold secrets not meant to be known, and inside something terrible waits to be unleashed.