Delilah's Cuckold Diaries: Hubby's cuck spanking humiliation

Series: Delilah's Cuckold Diaries


Erotic Romance, Dark Romance & Erotica

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Book Description

Delilah has one more overriding ambition, to get her husband to submit to her. Jake won’t be spanked though he’s seen her spank other men in front of him. It needs an act of fate to bring things to a head. Jake needs to come to terms with his secret desires. A dinner out and some bad behaviour from Jake provide the catalyst to this finale of the series. Will Delilah finally confess she has read her husband’s diary? Will Jake finally get the spanking he so richly deserves and more? This steamy red hot sultry episode reveals all. You can be assured of more spanking and hot steamy scenes in this culmination of Delilah’s adventures to date. Don’t miss it. Contains explicit adult themes, FM encounters and adult consensual spanking

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