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My American Heritage: Our Nation Under Attack from Within


Biographies & Memoirs, Religion & Spirituality

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FALTERING AND REVIVAL IN AMERICA When Covid hit, I had a brush with eternity. A month after my first Covid vaccination, I developed curious symptoms – continuous pain in left arm and serious lack of stamina, walking only ten paces and having to stop and rest. I got in to see my doctor who thought I was fine by most measures, until he did an EKG. He said, “I can’t let you go home. I’ve got to check you into the Emergency Room. Looks like you may have had damage to your heart.” Long story short, I had over 90% blockage in my “widow maker” artery. A stent was placed, and I felt 100% better almost right away. This episode was repeated somewhat differently after I had my second vaccination, and since then I have not had a third strike. I began to think, “I’ve got something to say. I want to leave a message. Maybe I should write a book.” So, that’s what I did. But I didn’t understand to whom I was writing. I thought I might attract readers who enjoyed adventures of this world, so I put some of my adventures in it. It’s a wonder I've lived so long, riding a wreck of an old Harley and flying hang gliders up a mile high, even having to find a landing place after dark with unseen power lines and barbed wire fences crisscrossing the landscape, and sailing the Intracoastal Waterway with nearby thunderstorms. Life got complicated. Now, over a year since I published the book, I realize for whom it is written - those with choices to make. Especially when young, there are so many choices, and our culture trivializes these when consequences can be enormous. Little do we realize our decisions affect us for the rest of our lives and our family for generations. Raised in a typical American family that regularly attended church, educated in public schools, challenged by college in the turbulent 60s, I've been on shaky ground. But I found hope! Even now, I see we are in a war, not an all-out physical war, but one of deceit, anger, chaos, shame and blame. Our nation and our people do not have the peace and unity we had just a few decades ago. How do we meet these challenges? This book depicts a journey from childhood to maturity in our country’s North and South, a personal discovery of cultural tensions deepened by family ties, research, and exploration. It is a tale of hopes and dreams, uncertain heights, surprise wrecks, life and death, heart-wrenching stresses, amazing discoveries, popular and unpopular values, all mixed with grace and mercy. Read about revival in my own life, marriage, and family, and discover how this applies as well to our institutions, our country and beyond. Alexis de Toqueville wrote, “Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” Get this book, be entertained, laugh and weep, and discover how to make a difference.

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