Their story began in 1775 amidst a war between brothers, amongst fathers, sons, cousins, and even betwixt husbands, wives, and daughters. As America’s Revolutionary War gripped the colonies, five siblings found themselves alone in a land engulfed in war. Forced to survive on their own, they found no recourse but to flee their palatial Virginia home. Five Ballinger children, Esther, Lovely, Samuel, Joshua, and Benjamin, must search within themselves for the will to survive, first in Virginia’s wilderness and then, forced to flee once more, in North Carolina’s Watauga settlement. Some go off to war. Others find ways to provide for their wellbeing. Most find love grows even in the darkest of circumstances.
Series: Adventures in Time
Action & Adventure, Teen & Young Adult, Children's
Series: Adventures in Time
Action & Adventure, Teen & Young Adult, Children's
Series: Adventures in Time
Action & Adventure, Teen & Young Adult, Children's
Series: The Bulloch Letters (3 Book Series)
Series: The Bulloch Letters (3 Book Series)
Series: The Bulloch Letters (3 Book Series)
Teen & Young Adult, Children's