Series: Gypsy series
Science Fiction
Gertrude is in the past working tirelessly to finish The Tower as part of the bargain she made with Loki--she is out of patience as she waits to be reunited with her son. But when she returns to the future she finds a world in chaos with reoccurring time shifts that thwart every attempt she makes to find her son. Is it too late to save the world from ultimate darkness?
Series: Gypsy series
Time Travel Romance
Series: Gypsy series
Time Travel Romance, Fantasy
Series: Gypsy series
Science Fiction
Series: Summer McCloud paranormal mystery
Supernatural Suspense
Series: Summer McCloud paranormal mystery
Supernatural Suspense
Series: Summer McCloud paranormal mystery
Supernatural Suspense
Series: Summer McCloud paranormal mystery
Mystery, Supernatural Suspense
Series: Summer McCloud paranormal mystery
Supernatural Suspense