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Book Description

Do you want to be a leader? Or, do you want to have more leaders on your network marketing team? The strength of your network marketing business is measured in "leaders" - not in number of distributors. Leaders are the long-term foundation of your business. Everyone says they want to have more leaders, but how? How do I find leaders? How do I create leaders? What things do we need to teach ordinary distributors to make them leaders? Successful leaders have a plan. They want to double themselves as leaders. This plan doesn't happen by accident. Follow this plan. Instead of wishing and hoping for leaders to appear, this book will give you the step-by-step activities to actually create leaders. Yes, there is a plan for building leaders and it is simple to follow. Discover how to give ordinary distributors a leadership test to determine if they are ready to enter the leadership path. Then, learn how to begin your training process with the biggest lesson of all in leadership: problems. When you have an organization of leaders, network marketing becomes easy. Instead of wasting the day with repetitive activities with distributors, you will enjoy the free time that this business offers. Take the time to build and create leaders , and then you will be free to visit the beaches of the world. This is the perfect book to lend to a new distributor who wants to build a long-term network marketing business, and wants to know exactly how to build it. Creating network marketing leaders should be the focus of every business builder. Return to the top of this page and get your copy now.

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