Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Humor, Teen & Young Adult
Caldwell Ellis commissions a 'find and retrieve' mission in Papua New Guinea to find Ropen eggs, (Pterodactyl eggs) A Ropen egg is smuggled out of Papua New Guinee. But the egg is delivered to Jim Godwin by mistake. Jim is advised to dump it in a waste bin but Jim is too kind-hearted to do that because he knows there is a living creature inside. Then the egg hatches and eats Jim's cheese sandwich. From that point onwards Ollie is hooked on cheese. But Jim is filled with trepidation Will Ollie grow into a monster? Will it have a 30 foot wingspan? Will it become the second Tipham Vampire? Will local cheesemakers be able to keep up with Jim’s Pterodactyl? Now out on Kindel and on paperback. Any Cheese makers out there who can stock the novel or use Ollie in their advertising? Please get in touch with Andrew R Williams andrew@andrewrwilliasmsauthor.co.uk +44 7940875076
Series: Arcadia's Children
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Series: Arcadia's Children
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
Series: Arcadia's Children
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Teen & Young Adult
Series: Arcadia's Children
Thriller, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Series: Arcadia's Children 1 to 5
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
Series: Stand alone
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Teen & Young Adult
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Humor, Teen & Young Adult