In an old gothic novel called Sortilege, Baron von Olmstead decides to rescue his wayward lady, held captive in a distant castle by the sea. The Baron secures the services of the itinerant, blind acrobat Harry Harding to be his guide, fills his own saddlebags with a groaning board of aristocratic necessities, and the two set off for some unforeseen adventures. In a new e-novel called Sortilege, Emily Morrison, divorced and thirty-something, returns to her hometown, and within her small circle of friends, encounters the old gothic in many forms. There’s beautiful Anna, who’s a fan of the soap opera version; there’s artsy Robin, obsessed with filming the old tale, and even an actor named Derek Yank, who once played the Baron on TV. The two stories form something of a hybrid, as the Past and Present intersect among varied instances of everyday wonders and dark enchantments, where the word “sortilege” is defined as the fateful kind of sorcery often confused with romantic love. On the cover: Castle Gandolfi, Lake Albano, Italy by Christopher Pearse Cranch, 1852 Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington