Heavenly Places 1: Coram Deo

Series: Heavenly Places


Christian Fiction, Fantasy

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Book Description

The Israelites struggled mightily through the events of the Old Testament. More than two thousand years later Christians Jonah, Willa, and Wren live their lives in an effort to take up their crosses in a dark and fallen world. When the family and their faithful dog Leo are pulled into a portal to a strange world of sword, sorcery and fantastical races they quickly realize that this new land is experiencing those same Biblical events. Can this family use their knowledge and divinely granted abilities to save lives and spread the word of Adonai while teaching others to live Coram Deo, before the face of God? It won’t be easy as the enemy is determined to steal, kill and destroy anything necessary to stamp out this upstart faith before ever it begins. Influenced by C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and loosely based on a tabletop roleplaying campaign, Heavenly Places: Coram Deo asks what would have happened if the Old Testament of the Bible took place in a world of fantasy?

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