Illusion: Volume 4

Series: The Lighter Half


Poetry, Religion & Spirituality

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Book Description

Illusion: A Journey Through Alternate Realities "Illusion is a brilliant way to explore the concepts of reality, existence, and self-awareness. This book addresses the common questions we all have about why we are here, what our purpose is, and how everything connects to our personal perceptions of reality. To use poetry when making profound observations is a testament to the true nature of our experiences in life. In the latest installment of the Lighter Half Series, "Illusion," delve into a collection of thought-provoking poetry that challenges the very fabric of reality. This volume invites you to question the truths you hold dear, exploring the realms of existence and self-awareness through a poetic lens. "I often wonder, is what we perceive as reality merely an illusion?" This question forms the core of "Illusion," pushing the boundaries of conventional thought and opening the door to a myriad of possibilities. Each poem is a sanctuary for the mind, where you can explore concepts like the Garden of Eden, the Divine, and the subconscious. In "Illusion," you will traverse the dimensions of time, delve into the mysteries of the galaxy, and swim through the oceans of our thoughts. This collection is an invitation to believe in the extraordinary, to seek the truth within the illusion, and to find purpose in the chaos of existence.

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Julie Kusma, Derek King Book List