A playground ball. A tussle. A girl who does not like saying sorry. SADIE DOES NOT LIKE SORRIES is a story about the importance of apologizing. Will Sadie say sorry in time to enjoy recess with her friends? Teachers and Parents! SADIE DOES NOT LIKE SORRIES is the perfect book for the classroom or for your child who might struggle with apologizing.
Series: His & Hers Duet
Contemporary Romance, Romance
Series: The Grim Reaper Chronicles
Paranormal Romance, Humor, Fantasy
Series: The Jackson Davis Mysteries
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
Contemporary Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance
Contemporary Romance
Biographies & Memoirs, General Nonfiction
Contemporary Romance, Romance, Women's Fiction
Action & Adventure, Time Travel Romance, Fantasy
Historical Mystery, Mystery, Women's Fiction
Contemporary Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance