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Book Description

10 Secrets You Need To Know About Men | Dating Coach Tells All!

Are you pissed off that life didn’t give you an instruction manual to understand men?

Have you struggled with these questions?

Want answers? Even better, want solutions? Then learn MAN MODE!

In this book you will discover the 10 secrets to get whatever you want from a man simply by changing the way you communicate with him to terms that he understands. I call this Man Mode and it’s a game changer!

I did it! I cracked the code and I did it with your help! Your thousands of emails sent me into the trenches on Saturday nights to interview and understand men.

Hi I’m Gregg. I am best-selling author and a dating and life coach for women. I breathe this stuff!!

I give you tons of examples that you can both relate to and fix with Man Mode. I also give you true stories of how I solved actual clients’ problems by executing the strategies listed below.

We learn to fix:

You have never heard what I have to say!

In this book we start with understanding the male mind and why we are the way we are based on the DNA instilled in us growing up. I call this, The Conveyor Belt to Manhood. At the end of this amazing chapter you might have to sit down and catch your breath! It’s okay; thousands of women have thought the same thing, and just as many have asked where this information was years ago?

Next, for those that accept my mind-altering conclusions, I show you exactly how you can apply this knowledge towards men so you can acquire what you want from us. I then take it out of philosophical terms and give you 6 real-life examples. Again, you may want to sit down before you read this chapter.

Then, I explain the 10 secrets that help hammer down my points.

And finally, I prove my results with true coaching stories.

Ladies, DO NOT PASS UP THIS BOOK! Hit the buy right now button in the upper right and let's get to work.

Understanding men in relationships and then getting what you desire is in this read.

About The Author

Gregg Michaelsen, Boston's top dating coach strikes again with jaw dropping dating advice for women. Read all his books on Amazon; To Date a Man You Must Understand a Man, Power Texting Men, The Social Tigress, Who Holds the Cards Now?, How to Get Your Ex Back Fast and Love is in The Mouse. These books are game changers!

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