In a world teetering on the brink of collapse, Cassie, an older woman determined to savor a pre-apocalyptic vacation, finds herself at the helm of a luxury houseboat. As the looming shadow of civil war threatens society, Cassie’s journal along the mighty river becomes a transformative odyssey filled with magic, mystery, and self-discovery. Join Cassie and her eclectic group of passengers, including Zona, a teenager in search of her missing parents. Amidst the enchanting backdrop of a world growing increasingly magical and strange, Cassie must navigate not only the physical challenges of her river voyage but also the intricate web of connections and secrets among her fellow travelers. As the stakes rise with a missing passenger following a storm, questions about. Will Zona’s quest to find her parents lead to unexpected revelations? Can Captain Cassie navigate the Sliver Lady through the perilous waters to its destination? And what unfolds in the wake of The Collapse and The Vanishing, amidst animal totems and riverside havens? At the emotional core of this tale lies courage and empowerment, as Cassie evolves from a retired life of isolation to a confident houseboat captain. Silver Lady waves a captivating narrative that resonates with those who cherish stories of magic, destiny, and bonds formed on epic journeys.