Historical Mystery, Thriller, Historical Fiction, Horror, Teen & Young Adult
Morgan, an early settler, is finding it hard to fit into their new community along with his wife and teenage daughter Suzie. And during his fortnightly visit into town, several miles away, he learns that it will only get harder as the winds of winter blow in upon them. Travel with Morgan and his daughter into the sick society he did not suspect dwelled so close to them within these cold, lonely mountains. They soon discover that the 'All-hallows-eve' celebrations play an all-encompassing part in this new society, a part that may be too powerful for him and his family to overcome. Delve into the sinister past of the celebrations, if you dare. Follow this small mountain-dwelling family into the nightmare they never knew was upon them - until it was too late. Will they survive, or will they pass away into history like so many others before them?