The Agency: DDD Inc.



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Book Description

Every day, we're surrounded by devices with their microphones open. Smartphones, smart speakers, gaming consoles, and a hundred other little devices that you walk by without thinking. Kerry Chase is just like you and me. He lives his life as a technology user, enjoying the benefits it brings. But one day, all that changed. "You're fired!" An unexpected job change led to an exciting new opportunity, with one major red flag: • Are you someone who always likes to know what's going on? • Do you feel like you know what is best for the people in your life? • We're looking for people like you and have entry level positions available now! • No prior experience necessary – Flexible hours • Strong starting salary and benefits with good opportunities for advancement • On the job training – Work at your own pace • Must have basic computer skills • Flexible moral compass a plus Through this job, Kerry takes a peek behind the curtain to see the price we all pay for the technology we use so freely. Are you ready to see what it is The Agency actually does?

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