Reality is consciousness; therefore, it makes a blissful awareness.
It exists in everything we do and everywhere we travel.
Mind, matter, and space are full of such awareness.
Please take advantage of it as a higher reality.
Don’t be disadvantaged by its materialistic world view.
Professor, Ambassador, Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr. (Epulaeryu Master)!
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Display connectedness by showing peace, love, and happiness.
Allow it to drive out loneliness, depression, and fear.
Let comparability grow internally with insight and perception.
Erase loneliness and helplessness within with connectivity.
- Professor, Ambassador, Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr. (Epulaeryu Master)!
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Stop your whining, complaining, and criticizing.
No one wants to hear about what is not happening in reality.
Inspire moments for success to be enhancing and uplifting to souls.
Be consistent and not “Wishy-washy!”
Hang clean laundry out to dry in the flowing wind and golden sunshine!
- Professor, Ambassador, Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr. (Epulaeryu Master)!