About Author

Kathleen Harryman

Kathleen Harryman
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Historical Fiction Poetry
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 15 July
  • Member Since: Nov 2018
  • Profile Views: 17,193
  • Followers: 143
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube,

Kathleen Harryman is an award-winning storyteller and poet living in the historically rich city of York, North Yorkshire, England, with her husband, children, pet dog, and cat.

Kathleen was first published in 2015, a suspenseful thriller The Other Side of the Looking Glass. Since then Kathleen has gone one to win a New Apple Award in Excellence for her psychological thriller When Darkness Falls.

Kathleen has developed a unique writing style which readers have enjoyed. With the release of her poetry and historical romance based during World War II Kathleen has now become a multi-genre author of suspense, psychological thrillers, poetry, and historical romance.

Kathleen Harryman's Books

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Darkness Rising
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Darkness Risingby Kathleen HarrymanPublish: Nov 30, 2021Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Horror
Hidden Danger: A Chilling Psychological Thriller
(6) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Hidden Danger: A Chilling Psychological Thrillerby Kathleen HarrymanPublish: Jan 11, 2020Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense
Hunted: A Vampwitch Novel - Book One
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Hunted: A Vampwitch Novel - Book Oneby Kathleen HarrymanPublish: Feb 01, 2021Series: A Vampwitch NovelSuspense Mystery Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Paranormal Romance Romance Literary Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult more»
Life's Echoes: Poems on Friendship and Family
(4) $1.27 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Life's Echoes: Poems on Friendship and Familyby Kathleen HarrymanPublish: Jun 24, 2018Poetry

Kathleen Harryman's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Kathleen Harryman.
** Also, there might be other book series by Kathleen Harryman not listed on AllAuthor.

  • A Vampwitch Novel

    1 Hunted: A Vampwitch Novel - Book One - Published on Feb, 2021

Kathleen Harryman's Awards and Achievements

    Kathleen Harryman has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Reader's Favourite - Five Stars

    Hidden Danger: A Chilling Psychological Thriller

  • Reader's Favourite - Five Stars
    2019 award
  • New Apple - Official Selection Award For Excellence In Independent Publishing
    2018 award

Kathleen Harryman Interview On 02, May 2020

"Kathleen Harryman was born in Wakefield, England in July. Her first book The Other Side of the Looking Glass was published in 2015. Kathleen knows how to focus the reader’s attention, making it impossible to leave the book alone for long as the unexpected twists keep on coming. Harryman writes with such passion that it is impossible not to be touched by what she writes."
Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born in Wakefield, England in July. Though mum and dad never had much money and worked hard to provide for me and my sisters, my childhood was filled with happiness. Mum would make most of our clothes, knitting cardigans, and sewing skirts and dresses. I recall one late summer, before the cold weather set in, mum cutting out the fabric for our new coats. The coats were swing in style and had hoods with fur around them. My sisters and loved to swing round and round in them. Happiness isn’t about having the latest toy or gadget, but about the time we spend together. My childhood certainly reinforces this.

When did you first start writing? Do you remember your first pieces of writing?

My first book The Other Side of the Looking Glass was published in 2015, though I have always had a passion for writing, it took me a long time to get around to being published. The first book I ever wrote was a supernatural romantic suspense. I am currently reworking this book ready to publish. Why I never got round to publishing it before I’m not sure, perhaps it has given me time to reflect and grow as an author. My supernatural book is a merging of my romantic suspense, thrillers and historical romance.

What fears you had when you were first published in 2015?

Like most authors a lot goes into writing a book. It becomes an extension of you as an author, so my greatest fear would be what my readers thought. When you get those book reviews it is such an amazing feeling. Reading them and finding out how much my books have been enjoyed provides me with immense pleasure. The best review ever was a lady who said “I’m not ashamed to say I went to bed and dreamed about it.” WOW! It is such an incredible achievement as an author to know how much your story meant to someone and the impact it had on them.

What inspired the plot of your suspenseful thriller The Other Side of the Looking Glass?

The plot is based around the lives of identical twins. I can identify with this as I am an identical twin. The perception that because you look a like, you are therefore alike in every way is strange from a twins perspective. We are all individual and unique and identical twins do not differ from this. Exploring this was liberating. It also allowed Liam Thornton to take his wife’s sister and embed her into his life without questions being asked. A high percentage of our perceptions are acquired from what we see, so any small differences between the two sisters are easy to explain. Especially when no one is aware of the other sisters existence. Much like the Man in the Iron Mask.

How did you develop your unique writing style?

I’ve never really thought about the development of my writing style. Writing is inbuilt and I have never wanted to write like anyone but me. I always like to view a book and the characters contained like a rollercoaster ride. There are extreme highs, lows and in-betweens. Murder obviously being a low point from the victims perspective, but certainly a high from the killers. The in-between is the merging of the two. I like to inject some humour into my writing, because we all need the release that a smile will bring. Even a killer needs to smile, so why not let them, along with the reader.

Who inspired the character of Tracy Bennett, an average middle of the road girl in "When Darkness Falls"?

Tracy Bennett was developed from my fascination with the mind and how it protects us. The thought of developing someone as complex as Tracy was a challenge and one I enjoyed. Research was such a key element with Tracy, not only given her condition, but the circumstances around it. What surprises me is how Tracy is received by the reader. I never ever saw, or see Tracy as a killer. And the argument of did Tracy really kill is fascinating, because how can you be responsible for the actions of someone else? I don’t know if anyone remembers The Three Faces Of Eve, but it is a fascinating concept.

What sparked the idea for When Darkness Falls? Did you expect it to win a New Apple Award in Excellence?

The idea for When Darkness Falls came from one sentence “What’s wrong with being a psychopath?” Psychology is an inspiring subject. I enjoy testing those boundaries and twisting them. Add forensic science and the act or profiling and you have When Darkness Falls.

Winning a New Apple Award in Excellence for When Darkness Falls was completely unexpected. There was always a part of me that was hopeful, but with so many submissions and incredible authors out there, I tried not to dwell on it too much, so that I wouldn’t be too disappointed. When I got the award I never stopped smiling. It was such an incredible achievement.

How was your experience of writing a poetry and historical romance based during World War II?

Poetry is very powerful. It takes the reader on an emotional and inspiring journey with very few words. The heart of any poetry is the connection it has with the reader. To capture the essence of a feeling with so few words is compelling.

The Promise was written with a very good actress friend of mine Lucy Marshall. Based in Whitby during World War II it tells the story of those fighting on the frontline and those left behind. The Promise will always hold a special place in my heart as it was written to honour my grandfather James Chappell who died in Normandy. His brother found his body and placed it under a tree so that he wouldn’t become lost, and he could find him later. The stories I encountered during the writing of The Promise left me utter awe, not only for those on the frontline, but those left behind. I have cried many times during the writing of The Promise, because it is written in part fictionally, and part fact. While the story centres around Rosie, Jimmy, Will and Tom it brings together a community, and comprises each characters fears, desires, love, pain and happiness.

The poem in The Promise was taken from my poetry book Life’s Echoes. Poppy Field is a tribute to those who lived through, fought and died in war, and carries the picture of my grandfather - James Chappell.

What is the biggest challenge of being a multi-genre author of suspense, psychological thrillers, poetry, and historical romance?

I have always read different genres, never favouring one above the other. When I started writing I never saw myself writing in one particular genre so for me being a must-genre writer is natural. There are always many challenges when writing, and I have learnt to always question the actions of each character and circumstance. Even when writing a supernatural there is always the question of "can that really happen?” fire throwing, magic spells aside. Everything that is written has to have a realistic feel to it.

Research is always the key element, and whether I am researching past crimes, historical places or mythological creatures and cultures, it is an integral part of the process.

The greatest challenge to being a multi-genre writer doesn’t come from the writing, but the audience. Not all readers enjoy dipping into different genres, and for those steadfast in their thrillers, supernatural, historical or poetry it is important as a writer to balance book releases.

The Other Side of the Looking Glass is suspenseful women’s fiction about survival, control and ultimately the power of love. How did you get the idea for this story?

When writing The Other Side of the Looking Glass I wanted to create strong characters that would drive the readers forward. Liam Thornton is a character that many readers aren't going to like, however it was still important that the reader identify with him. The story is based on conflict and fear, which also explores the key elements of love and family.

A lady I once knew had been involved in a car accident. Years later she can only remember getting in the car and then waking in hospital. There is no recollection of the actual accident. This is the basis in which The Other Side of the Looking Glass is set, and of which allows Liam to exploit his wife’s sister.

What are some of the other things you are passionate about apart from writing?

I have always enjoyed reading. Ever since I can remember books have been a part of my life. When I was young my parents read to me, and later when I developed the skill to read, I read my own. Books are a release, it allows our minds to wander, providing it with a break from normalcy. I have laughed, cried and cogitated my way through many books. It is this very essence that I am most passionate about. A book is given life only when the reader becomes part of the story, and the characters mean so much that they infiltrate their thoughts during sleep or daydreams.

Who is the first person to read the first draft of your book?

My mum reads my first drafts. I bounce many of my ideas off her.

What are the biggest challenges that you have faced as a writer of romantic suspense?

Romantic suspense is a merging of a thriller and love, and therefore requires the author to entwine those emotions together so that they become one. Writing a thriller the crime takes centre stage, along with the planting of evidence within the story for the reader to follow and draw their conclusions from until the truth is revealed. Romantic suspense needs to incorporate some of this, but requires the author to delve deeper into the emotions of the characters. It is a kinder view on murder.

What is the next book that you are working on?

I am currently working on a supernatural romantic suspense called Hunted. Hunted is the first book in the Vamptwitch saga.

How has your experience working with AllAuthor been?

AllAuthor is a wonderful platform, which allows authors to connect with readers and their fellow authors. What is different about AllAuthor than some platforms is that they are so supportive. Mock banners, feature books, gifs, monthly book cover competitions and so many more resources are available in one place. It is what makes AllAuthor unique and a wonderful place for any author.

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