About Author

Susie Kinslow Adams

Susie Kinslow Adams
  • Genre:

    Children's Biographies & Memoirs Christian Nonfiction
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 5
  • Profession: Author, Speaker, Women's Ministry Leader
  • Born: 10 December
  • Member Since: Feb 2024
  • Profile Views: 1,417
  • Followers: 96
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Join Author's Newsletter, Facebook, Amazon,

Freelance writer, author of The Rebel & Preacher Man, My Mother My Child, Patches' Biblical Activity Books, and Encouraging Word blog at www.susiekinslowadams.com.

Patches Joyland Press was created from a love for families and a deep conviction that God's Word, the Bible, should be read, taught, and lived by all ages. She serves the Dallas County Association of Southern Baptists as a Ministry Assistant where her husband, Russell Adams served as Director of Missions. She lives in Buffalo, MO, and has four children, five grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren.

Susie Kinslow Adams's Books

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(2) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Rebel and Preacher Manby Susie AdamsPublish: Nov 25, 2023Christian Nonfiction
Patches Farmland Adventures
Patches Farmland Adventuresby Susie Kinslow AdamsChildren's
$5.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
My Mother My Child: Encouragement for Those Who Care for Othersby Susie Kinslow AdamsPublish: Nov 30, 2014Christian Nonfiction
Patches Joyland Express
Patches Joyland Expressby Susie Kinslow AdamsChildren's
30 2-Ingredient Recipes: ..and Helpful Hints for the Busy Homemaker
$0.99 kindleeBook,

Susie Kinslow Adams Interview On 13, Aug 2024

"Susie Kinslow Adams is a freelance writer and the author of My Mother My Child and The Rebel & Preacher Man. Driven by a love for families and a deep conviction that God's Word should be read, taught, and lived by all ages, she founded Patches Joyland Press. Susie leads Women's Ministries in the Dallas County Association of Southern Baptists where her late husband, Dr. Russell Adams was Director of Missions. Susie resides in Buffalo, MO, and is blessed with four children, five grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren."
What inspired you to become a freelance writer and author, particularly in the realm of family and faith?

From an early age, I had a passion to write, to tell a story. From editing school newspaper and annual staff to weekly columns in our local newspaper, I knew I was called to write. In one sense, I believe I was blessed at an early age to love and honor family and to know Jesus and trust Him as my guide.

Can you share a bit about your journey from being a freelance writer to becoming an author? What prompted you to write "My Mother My Child"?

My freelance writing was limited to work or church newsletters until my pastor/husband and I returned to Missouri from ministering in California. When Mother's planned visit resulted in a lengthy hospital stay and her moving into our home, I felt God's tug on my heart renewing my passion for writing. This was difficult for me as I realized each day could be her last. I had said that I could never take care of my mom. Now, it was a treasured blessing.

Your blog, Encouraging Word, focuses on uplifting and inspiring content. How do you stay motivated to consistently produce encouraging content for your readers?

God is my motivator. Each day His presence becomes more real in my life. I strive to allow God to be the author of my every move; I believe He initiates meetings I could never have planned. Each day I encounter folk who are crushed by daily life issues. A simple smile, hug, or caring word has changed my life more than once; I want to pass it on. When I leave the house to have lunch at a local restaurant, I ask Him to put me where I need to be. When I park, I wait to make sure this is where I need to be. More than once, I have left a good parking space to go where God is leading.

How do you balance your roles as a ministry assistant and an author? Do you find any overlap between the two roles?

Since I view my writing as a ministry, there is no overlap or conflict. I trust that everything I do is a result of God's plan for me. Wife, Mother, Granny, Speaker, Writer, Teacher... and more. Each day I pray God to use the talents He has given me to draw people to Him; to heal, encourage, inspire just as others have done in my life.

In your opinion, what role does literature play in promoting family values and strengthening familial bonds?

The obvious answer is in the opportunity for families to communicate on a desired subject. From reading stories to our wee ones to sharing Bible passages as we pray, the written word has always had a powerful influence on families. As a child growing up in a family of four in a two-roomed home, Mother always found a place for books and a time to read them.

What are some common themes or messages that readers can expect to find in your writing?

God is real. He loves you just as you are. He will never leave you. You have value and a purpose. God never, ever wastes anything; He will use everything in your life as you allow Him.

How does your faith influence your writing process and the themes you choose to explore in your work?

The older I get, the more I realize
a. The Goodness of God even in the worst of times
b. There are no accidents in God's Kingdom
c. He will use every experience we encounter for His Glory as we yield to Him.

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable experience or feedback you've received from a reader that has impacted you as a writer?

So many! Recently a writer asked permission to use My Mother My Child in an eight-week Bible study. She sent photos of pages highlighted with added Scripture. After the class ended she sent a testimony of of one who had never grieved the loss of her mother until this class. Another said “I wish I had read this book before my parents passed.” God's Amazing Grace!

What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are also balancing multiple responsibilities, such as family and career commitments?

Above all else: diligently seek God's will in ordering your priorities and use of your precious time. Then schedule a time to write each day or certain days of the week. Do not be hard on yourself if you miss scheduled times; I often do. However, they are a goal for me.

How do you approach research and gathering material for your writing projects, especially when delving into topics related to family dynamics or biblical teachings?

Interesting question! Until I wrote The Rebel and Preacher Man, I did not realize research was necessary. After all, it's about me and my life, I know the details. I realized early on I needed to be sure of the details such as the exact date and time of the Joplin tornado, etc. When my first husband insisted we move out of state ahead of schedule because a storm was brewing, research proved it was the worst ever-recorded winter in Joplin.

Could you share a bit about your creative process? Do you have any specific rituals or habits that help you get into the writing mindset?

I seem to ponder long before I write. Often stories come in the night. However, they are gone if I don't get them penned right away. Many of my newsletter are simply my thoughts on current events in my own life or locally or nationally. I cannot overstate the fact that God seems to entrust me with ideas I would never have pursued.

As someone who is deeply involved in community and ministry work, how do you find time for self-care and rejuvenation amidst your busy schedule?

Honestly, I am in the process of sorting that out. Personal self-care is not an issue. However, I have discovered my disorganized home and office space are weighing me down.

How do you think the landscape of freelance writing and publishing has evolved over the years, particularly in the digital age?

I am a Big Chief tablet and pencil generation. My most creative writing is still done on the deck with a fresh breeze keeping my mind clear. My biggest concern for writing and publishing is that the joy of personal expression and God-given creativity will be burred under a do-it-quicker mentality. That being said, I am thankful for better tools to print and market our works.

What are some upcoming projects or goals you have for Patches Joyland Press or your personal writing endeavors?

At present I am working on a more faithful schedule with my blog/newsletter. Hopefully by Christmas a third Patches Biblical Coloring and Activity book called “Patches Friendships”. In the works as well is a follow-up to The Rebel and Preacher Man revealing how God works through the downside of church membership. Also in consideration is a workbook for My Mother My Child.

What has your AllAuthor experience been like so far? What are some highlights?

I praise God for AllAuthor. I appreciate the beautiful banners and other helps in marketing my books. I am very thankful for the professional and very kind interaction I have had with members of the AllAuthor team. It is an honor to continue to refer others to your site.

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