About Author

Terry Overton

Terry Overton

Terry Overton is a retired university professor of educational and school psychology. She has an Ed.D. in Special Education and a Ph.D. in Psychology. Her professional experience includes teaching public school, teaching at the university level, and being a college dean. She has two children and six grandchildren. Her writing and publication experiences include textbook and journal articles in the fields of special education and school psychology. She seeks to answer God's call to share the good news and grow the church by writing Christian books and devotionals. She and her husband live in the southern tip of Texas where they enjoy semi-tropical weather, playing golf, and spending time with their friends and family.

Terry Overton's Books

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$4.99 kindleeBook,
The Covenant (The Messiah Brigade)by Terry OvertonPublish: Nov 12, 2024
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Charlotte McMaster and the Messenger Angelby Terry OvertonPublish: Nov 26, 2024
$12.99 kindleeBook,
The Journey: The Underground Book Readers
$4.99 kindleeBook,
The Journey: The Underground Book Readersby Terry OvertonPublish: Dec 05, 2023Christian Fiction Teen & Young Adult Children's
Defiance Passage: The Underground Book Readers
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Defiance Passage: The Underground Book Readersby Terry OvertonPublish: Jun 10, 2024
The Underground Book Readers: The Escape
(1) $12.99 kindleeBook,
The Underground Book Readers: The Escapeby Terry OvertonPublish: Aug 25, 2023Teen & Young Adult Children's
The Underground Book Readers: The Secret Society
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Underground Book Readers: The Secret Societyby Terry Overton Publish: Dec 15, 2022Series: The Underground Book Readers SeriesChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult
The Underground Book Readers: United Forces
(1) $4.99 kindleeBook,
The Underground Book Readers: United Forcesby Terry OvertonPublish: Mar 01, 2023Series: The Underground Book Readers SeriesChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Legends of the Donut Shop
(1) $8.99 kindleeBook,
Legends of the Donut Shopby Terry OvertonPublish: Mar 19, 2022Christian Fiction Children's
Shepherds, Lions, and Storms (The Newton Chronicles Book 3)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Shepherds, Lions, and Storms (The Newton Chronicles Book 3)by Terry OvertonPublish: Jul 11, 2023Series: The Newton Chronicles SeriesChristian Fiction Children's
Crusades, Giants, and Chalices (The Newton Chronicles Book 2)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Crusades, Giants, and Chalices (The Newton Chronicles Book 2)by Terry OvertonPublish: Mar 14, 2023Series: The Newton Chronicles SeriesChristian Fiction Children's
The Underground Book Readers: Covert Connections
$4.99 kindleeBook,
The Underground Book Readers: Covert Connectionsby Terry OvertonPublish: May 17, 2023Series: The Underground Book Readers SeriesChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Sabal Palms After the Storm (Sabal Palms series Book 2)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Sabal Palms After the Storm (Sabal Palms series Book 2)by Terry OvertonPublish: Jul 05, 2022Series: Sabal PalmsWomen's Fiction
Soldiers, Temples, and Crystals (The Newton Chronicles Book 1)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Soldiers, Temples, and Crystals (The Newton Chronicles Book 1)by Terry OvertonPublish: Nov 22, 2022Series: The Newton Chronicles SeriesChristian Fiction Children's
Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Forgiveness
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Forgivenessby Terry OvertonPublish: Jul 25, 2022Series: Oddball OrnamentsChristian Fiction Children's
Soldiers, Temples and Crystals (The Newton Chronicles Book 1)
(1) $4.99 kindleeBook,
Soldiers, Temples and Crystals (The Newton Chronicles Book 1)by Terry OvertonPublish: Nov 22, 2022Series: The Newton Chronicles SeriesChristian Fiction Children's
Christmas at Sabal Palms (Sabal Palms series)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Christmas at Sabal Palms (Sabal Palms series)by Terry OvertonPublish: Oct 25, 2022Series: Sabal PalmsChristian Fiction
Sabal Palms After the Storm (Sabal Palms, 2)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Sabal Palms After the Storm (Sabal Palms, 2)by Terry OvertonPublish: Jul 05, 2022Series: Sabal PalmsWomen's Fiction Christian Fiction
Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Christmas
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Christmasby Terry OvertonPublish: Nov 16, 2021Series: Oddball OrnamentsChildren's Religion & Spirituality
Sabal Palms and the Southern Squall (Sabal Palms series Book 1)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Sabal Palms and the Southern Squall (Sabal Palms series Book 1)by Terry OvertonPublish: Apr 05, 2022Series: Sabal PalmsWomen's Fiction Christian Fiction
America of We the People
(1) $10.78 kindleeBook,
America of We the Peopleby Terry OvertonPublish: Sep 29, 2021Poetry Religion & Spirituality
Both Sides of the Border
(1) $4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Both Sides of the Borderby Terry OvertonPublish: Mar 30, 2021Christian Fiction

Terry Overton's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Terry Overton not listed on AllAuthor.

Terry Overton's Awards and Achievements

    Terry Overton has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • 5 Stars from Reader Views

    Both Sides of the Border

  • Finalist

    Both Sides of the Border

  • Firebird Book Award

    Both Sides of the Border

  • Readers' Favorites Finalist

    Both Sides of the Border

  • Readers'Favorite 5 Star Review

    Both Sides of the Border


Terry Overton Interview On 02, Sep 2021

"A retired university professor of educational and school psychology, Terry Overton grew up in Ft. Worth, Texas. Her earliest writing experiences happened in the fourth grade when she wrote a funny short story and won a blue ribbon. She retired from working in the UT System in 2016 and began writing Christian books. She likes playing golf and spending time with her friends and family."
Where were you born?

I was born in Shreveport, LA where my mother’s parents lived. I grew up in Ft. Worth, Texas, and lived there until I graduated from Arlington Heights High School and went to college.

Since how long have you been living in the southern tip of Texas?

I moved to the Rio Grande Valley in 2000 and began a job at Pan American University in Edinburg. In 2007, I began working at the University of Texas-Brownsville. I retired from working in the UT System in 2016 and began writing Christian books.

As a teenager, what were you obsessed with?

First, I enjoyed being a teen in the 60s! It was a different era. But in the seventh grade, I began working with children with disabilities. My grandmother worked as a swim instructor at a camp for children with disabilities. From that point, my time was consumed with volunteering in various clubs and groups in Ft. Worth with the focus of helping those with disabilities. In high school, with the help of my parents, I started a Sunday School class for children in Ft. Worth with disabilities. My dad drove a van all over town, one provided to us by a car dealership, to pick up children for Sunday School. It was such fun for me as a teen to work with these kids once each week.

Who all are a part of your family?

The most instrumental people in my family who mentored me in my education and profession of working with those who had disabilities were my mom, dad, grandmother, and an uncle who also worked at the camp for children with disabilities. My family includes my parents, brothers and sisters, husband, two children, seven grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter on the way!

How critical are they of your writing?

People who inspired me in my writing include my own children, grandchildren, and my husband as well as the earlier influence of my parents, grandmother, and uncle.

What made you decide to have an Ed.D. in Special Education?

In high school as I worked in volunteer activities with those who had disabilities, I knew I wanted to be a teacher and work in special education. After teaching for a few years, I went on to earn a master’s degree and became a diagnostician and worked in assessment of individuals to determine their school needs. From there, I decided to teach at the university level which required the Ed.D. And, in that capacity, I began writing for publication of academic research. It was also at that time I went for a post-doc in School Psychology, and then finally a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology.

Which of the following experiences have you enjoyed the most - teaching public school, teaching at the university level, and being a college dean?

Each role had so many moments of blessings and enjoyment. But my favorite part of working at the university level, whether a professor or a dean, was mentoring younger undergraduates in college, adults in graduate school and even mentoring new assistant professors. Those were the most fulfilling roles and I continue to be in touch with many of those people now after retirement.

At what age did you begin writing journal articles in the fields of special education?

My earliest writing experiences happened in the fourth grade when I wrote a funny short story and won a blue ribbon. At that point, my teacher asked me to go to a summer writing class for those who showed some level of promise in writing. The cost for the summer class was twenty dollars which might as well have been two thousand! It was not something my family could afford.

My first attempts at writing and getting published in special education happened when I was teaching public school. I began writing educational resource material for teachers in the classroom through J. Weston Walch Publishers. I had a few publications with that publisher for several years. These were for use in special education classrooms.

During my first year as an assistant professor, I quickly learned I needed to write articles for publication in professional journals. I wrote a few journal articles, but most of my writing during my early years as an assistant professor was for a textbook in assessment. The textbook, “Assessing Learners with Special Needs: An Applied Approach,” was published in 1990. It is now going into the 9th edition. My motivation for writing this textbook was simple: I couldn’t find one that I thought would fit for my teaching style and my students’ level of learning. I wanted a book that covered graduate topics at an undergraduate level. I needed a more applied textbook, one that teachers would continue to use once they were in their own classrooms. There was nothing like that on the market at that time.

What inspired the plot of your novel, Both Sides of the Border?

For a short time, my husband and I moved ten hours away from the Texas border area. I missed the border location and the people I had come to know and love for so many years. Seeing the current events on the news about the border, I knew most people in the United States, did not really know or understand the situation along the border. This motivated me to write a book about the border. Once I began writing it, I felt it was missing something significant.

Sitting in church one Sunday I heard the message that Christians should be ambassadors for Christ. “That’s it!” I thought. “How can I use this book on the border to provide a more Christian view about the situation?”

The sound bites on the news showed two very simplistic views. One: don’t let anyone in our country; two: let everyone in. Both sides were right and both sides were wrong. This was my motivation to write the book. I wanted people to think about the situation through a Christian Worldview. I wanted others to see the depth of the problem and think for themselves rather than listen to only one side or the other. In other words, people need to see “Both Sides of the Border.” Using fictional characters and a real-life type of plot based on news events, the story ended up being what I wanted it to be: on that would make others think.

What is the one advice you would like to give to young writers in the world?

Here are ten” writing nuggets:”

1. Don’t stop trying.
2. Write something meaningful.
3. Not everyone will love your work. That is okay.
4. All rejections are learning experiences and we all have them. Then we move forward.
5. Writing is a gift but no matter how talented you are, you must work hard at it.
6. If your attitude each day isn’t one of, “Today I get to write,” then you need to take a break. Take it.
7. The biggest mistake you will make is sending in a work before it is truly finished. Write it again. And maybe another time. Then it will be ready.
8. Not all writers are manic readers. If you spend more time writing than reading others’ works, that is a good thing. You will develop your own voice.
9. The longer you live, the more you will understand the world. Your writing depth may increase with your years.
10. Write not only what you know but more importantly write what you feel.

When you just feel like writing, what do you write about?

I am one of those writers who never seems to run out of ideas. I am also blessed with the “characters in my head.” Sometimes these characters of a book wake me up at 3:00 AM. If they do, I must get up and write at that very moment because my mind has worked something out. It is an adventure to see where the characters will take me in the process.

Which children's book from your childhood has stayed with you in your adult life?

Charlottes’ Web and A Christmas Carol are two of my all-time favorites.

Why is golf addictive?

It is a chance to be outside and enjoy God’s blessings with friends whom you laugh with and enjoy in recreational activity. It is a time to get in much needed exercise—a writer’s life has plenty of opportunities for sitting. Exercise and healthy eating are vital.

What is the role of psychology in education?

A school psychologist has many roles in education. Both children and teachers need to feel supported. Teaching and learning happen better when self-esteem and confidence are intact. The role expanded in recent years because so many parents need help with struggling children. My last years as a school psychologist, we were training school systems how to respond in active shooter scenarios. Our world has changed.

What are the advantages of being a professor?

The most fun thing about being a professor is being with so many wonderful students and other faculty members. All the while, a professor can research and keep learning in their own interest areas. Just a wonderful job.

What are you currently working on? May we know when we can expect a new book?

I have two Christmas books, middle grade and younger, coming out soon. I am awaiting a pre-order date for those two books. Following that, I have six other middle grade readers in process, different stages, at my publisher’s offices. In addition, two adult novels are in different stages. One has been through all edits, the second one just under contract as of last week.

I have also been blessed to be part of a collaborative work for a “Chronic Illness Devotional.” That will be out perhaps in a year.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

I have enjoyed the experience. Although I had several publications out before my debut novel, I had not used any resources such as AllAuthor for my earlier works. It has been helpful for marketing and making new connections.

Terry Overton All time Favourite Books

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Heaven's Open Book
(1) $3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Heaven's Open Bookby Sheldon PeartPublish: Dec 11, 2018Christian Fiction
Terry Overton Terry Overton 3 years ago
Sheldon's cleverly written book serves to remind all people that we are all sinners. Our nature is to only notice and talk about the "big" sins-such as adultery and murder. But there are many "subtle" sins, of the mind, of our own self-involvement, that require Christians to take another look at what the Bible tells us about being obedient to the Word. Very enjoyable. At the risk of spoiling the book for other readers, I will simply say the second part of the book includes many surprises that will open your eyes!

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