Author’s Top 5 Writing and Marketing Tips
S L Hollister
Thriller Suspense
3 years

Tips and hacks for writing faster or more productively
1- discover your writing time sweet spot, 15 to 30 minute writing sprints with a 5 to 10 minute break allows for greater production
2- research, how much is necessary? Knowing your subject is important but we can get lost in the research. Start writing your story and keep track of things you need to research.
3- character analysis prep, I fill out the basics before I start, description and some important details but the rest I learn as I write the first draft.
4- I'm not a plotter but I do plan, I love sticky notes. I use different colors for characters, setting and plot points. I can add or delete them, move them around or even change them.
5- Before you stop writing each day, write a question to help you get started on the next day.

Have fun and always ask yourself "what if." Happy writing.

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