Irial OFarrell

About the author

Okay, I admit it…I’m a “people-and-performance” geek! Is that a phrase? I don’t know but I can tell you that since my very first job in Australia, I have been endlessly fascinated with what makes people tick in the workplace and how that collectively combines to impact the business’ performance. This endless curiosity has allowed my 25+ year career evolve from financial services operations to management to learning & development to executive coaching to strategy, organisation design and change management. Oh, did I mention that I have an exceptionally high level of abstract reasoning? I do, and my absolute all-time favourite place to apply it is to the human dynamics that impact on business performance. I told you I’m a people-and-performance geek! Seeing the patterns which prompt my curious questions leads to diagnosing the root causes of clients’ performance challenges. That allows me to design some really innovative solutions and monitor how they work out. The third thing to know about me is that I love to figure out how to get people to their A-ha moments, so they actively make the changes they need t, that result in increased performance. A favourite technique is to walk them down alternative future paths, so they can make their own informed choice. One of my oft-used phrases is: you can make any decision you want, so long as it’s from a position of awareness. Combining my curiosity and abstract reasoning, I have built up very deep and unique insights into how best to design and implement leadership and management tools, so that they actually deliver the desired results. I have zero interest in tick-boxing. From my own 10 years as a manager, I have experienced the power of high-performing teams. I know that power is real and I want other leaders to experience it and benefit too. Finally, I love writing. I don’t think I clearly realised this until 2011, when the urge to write grabbed me and I ended up writing Values – Not Just for the Office Wall Plaque, based on the wonderfully transformative effect understanding my own personal values had on me. Life got in the way for several years (as it does) and I didn’t back to writing until COVID hit in 2020. I’m on a bit of a writing-roll now and I’m intent on sharing my deep expertise and cutting-edge insights through my books. Next up is my 4th book, which will focus on how to give effective feedback. When I’m not writing books, or working with clients to increase their performance, I’m hanging out with family and friends, reading books, running, travelling the world or watching quiz shows. I also love a good murder mystery. If learning about leadership and management tools and skills that really drive business performance is of interest to you, follow me on Amazon and keep up-to-date with all my news. Or visit me at and check out how I can help you and your performance challenges.

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