Deb McEwan

About the author

During her downtime Deb likes escaping from reality (and housework) to the bondu. This is where her characters and their stories are born. She enjoys writing in different genres and this could be the reason why she’s not a New York Times best seller yet (though there could be lots of other reasons too.) Deb’s series include the supernatural suspense Afterlife books, the first of which was inspired by ants, Unlikely Soldiers (based on some of her experiences in the British Army) and The Island Dog Squad series of novellas. She’s also written children’s books about Jason the penguin and Barry the reindeer, a novel about netball players, as well as a non-fiction book about a boy born to be different (co-written with Zak’s Mum, Joanne). There are also two novels in the Aliens Guide series. Her latest books, The Island Expats, are cosy mysteries set on the fictional island of Souvia. Her current work in progress is a fun read (not) about how she coped with cancer. Deb’s husband, Allan, is also a weather refugee and they live in Cyprus with their rescue dog, Sandy. To sample her writing, click the link to download your free copy of 'The Island Dog Squad Book 1: Sandy's Story', exclusively for subscribers.

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