Loretta C. Rogers

About the author

Loretta C. Rogers is a fourth generation Floridian, and proud of her Scots-Irish, German heritage. She admits to using writing as an excuse to avoid cleaning house. In her younger days, she and her pinto mare busted cattle out of the brush. She trailer-trained horses, and competed in a couple of 25-mile trail endurance rides. These days, she rides a rocking chair. When asked why she writes in different genres, Loretta doesn't mind telling readers that she lets the characters inside her head tell their own story. From Old West lawmen to Contemporary rival drug cartels, Loretta crafts the plot. She calls it, 'getting out of the way,' and letting creativity take over. This is why her tagline is: Romance with a Twist...Expect the Unexpected! Aside from the fact that I get to be my own boss and go to work in my pgs, I enjoy writing because I get to live vicariously through my characters that are clever and fearless, but in real life I’m afraid of snakes and heights. Let’s face it; I wouldn’t last five minutes as a character in one of my books. The thing I appreciate most is when readers accuse me of keeping them up all night turning the pages of one of my novels. I also love that I get paid to make up stuff. Other than being addicted to crossword puzzles, I have no hobbies because writing is all consuming and takes a lot out of me. Something she'd like readers to know--That she is also L.W. Rogers. Loretta values her readers. If you enjoy her books, she would appreciate your letting others know by posting a review. She prefers FaceBook to Tweeting, and can be found on Pinterest. She hopes readers will drop by and say, howdy! Happy Reading!

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