Nancy Klann-Moren

About the author

Nancy Klann-Moren, Author and Artist. I tried my hand at writing short fiction while traveling for work in advertising and marketing as a creative outlet on long plane rides. That led to me signing up for writing classes, writer's conferences, and local workshops. My goal was to create unique stories told in a distinctive voice. I'm happy to say some of the stories have garnered awards and publication in anthologies. Eleven of them are published in my collection of short stories, "Like The Flies On The Patio." Short stories were my primary genre until one morning, while in a workshop at a conference, I read an excerpt of one. The instructor asked what I was doing for the next couple of years, because, "What you have written isn't a short story, it's a novel." After a good deal of foot-dragging I gave it a try, and penned my first novel, "The Clock Of Life," a thought-provoking, award-winning coming-of-age story of friendship and struggle at a time in our history when American protests changed the status quo. The novel has garnered awards from Writers Digest, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Readers Favorite Book Awards, and Kindle Book Awards. It's a BRAG Honoree and an Awesome Indies AIA Recipient. After finding a diary in a thrift store, I saw it as a good vehicle for the story in my newest novel, "Love and Protest." This is also a coming-of-age story about two young women's paths toward their future as social activists. Over fifty years separate their journeys. For many years, I attended the Santa Barbara Writers Conference as a student. I am now honored to have graduated from student to teacher, leading a week-long workshop. I live in Southern California with my husband, Richard, a retired architect who now creates ceramic art. I have two grown sons, both rock stars in their fields, unlike my two cats who don't give a damn about anything. Favorite Writing Tip: Elmore Leonard's brilliant "Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip." AKA, leave out the boring parts. Favorite Authors: Pat Conroy, T.C. Boyle, Ray Bradbury, Flannery O'Connor, Susan Cisneros, Barbara Kingsolver.

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