July Cumming is a perpetually dirty-minded kinky kitty with a penchant for penning filth laden delectable smut. It's so raw that her raunchy ramblings come with a disclaimer! July's stories are vivid, highly charged smut with a twist. Ms. Cumming hails from the snow-capped nether regions of Western Canada. She spends the day in her pleasure parlour voraciously typing her next literary erotic endeavour. After dark, July soulfully sings behind the mic at her favourite karaoke bar. She loves reliving her glory days of spitting songs on a Vegas stage. No, no...she was never a headliner. It was just that one time on vacation where she got snockered binge drinking mojitos. (Thanks again to the casino for not pressing charges and giving her clothes back.) July is an accomplished gourmet. She's a devoted Prince worshiper and the only person to use a crimping iron since 1987. She's an avid dreamer wishing to either travel the world visiting exotic foreign lands or have the government of Alberta fulfill her request to construct a virgin coconut oil pipeline directly to her back door! (She is not really particular over which one comes true!) She loves receiving emails from her readers. You can send her a message at JulyCumming@gmail.com or find her on Twitter @JulyCumming. Want to know when she's released a new story? Sign up for her newsletter! http://eepurl.com/bnu2hX If you've enjoyed her stories, please leave a review for others to find her works. It's greatly appreciated.
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